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2015 in review

2015 December 5


2015 is almost over and it’s been a busy year at Westfalia Orphanage as always. Westfalia is a private orphanage on the outskirts of Lima, Peru and takes care of more than 120 children. Most have no family and will live at the orphanage until they are about 18. From there they will take up apprenticeships, further studies, or work. I just wanted to share some photos of the year and send a big thank you to you all for following the updates and helping when you’ve been able to. For those that aren’t aware, we have a page on facebook which is a little easier for more regular updates. Please check it out and ‘like‘ to keep updated. And, of course, feel free to share on your own page or with friends. The more publicity the better! Simply click on the Facebook icon on the right hand side, “Fan It Up”, or simply search “Sonrisas en Peru”.


We’ve had some difficult circumstances this year with 2 abandoned babies (Macarena was only about 2 days old) as well as other new children so it’s been a stretch to provide the resources for them (baby formula, nappies, cribs, bottles, vaccinations, clothes, etc.) while still providing for the 120+ children. The only assistance received from the Peruvian government is rice, but the amount is insufficient for the number of children at the orphanage. But a few people really helped out and it made the difference. Macarena is now 3 months old and Thiago is about a year old. Sadly, the doctors had to estimate both their ages since they were abandoned. But they are doing really well now and are now a part of the big family here.

Another important job is to help out with the supply of food. The orphanage does a great job with self-sustainability by growing their own fruit and vegetables and baking their own bread (not to mention solar power!), but 120+ kids plus staff is a big ask. I try to take up fruit and eggs every week as well as other food supplies such as flour, oil, rice, beans, etc. when funds allow.

And of course the help from our amazing friends visiting Peru!

The annual Sonrisasenperu Christmas party is coming up on December 19 so it’s a busy time organizing that. There will be gifts for the kids, a big turkey lunch, a huge music/dance show, games and prizes and of course Santa. If you would like to help out please send a donation or help spread the word by copying this post onto your facebook or twitter.

Thanks for helping to make a difference! And look out for the Chritmas photos 🙂

One Response Post a comment
  1. Lesley & Steve Tilly permalink
    December 10, 2015

    I hope our donation will help towards everyone having an enjoyable Christmas. All the best for 2016

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