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2023 Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party photos

2021 December 17

On 17 December, 2023 Sonrisasenperu hosted our 13th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party for the children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. As always, we wanted to give them an amazing Christmas and especially to show them that they are loved and people care about them. It was an amazing day with a great show, music, food, games, face painting and of course presents! Each child received 2 gifts each.

The kids don’t have regular lives like most children so it’s always important to make the day as special as we can. They come from complicated backgrounds such as abuse, abandonment, removed from dangerous situations or there was no family to care from them. The orphanage has a school on site now while the bigger kids attend a local school.

We had plenty of activities to keep the children busy.

The highlight is always the presents though! Each child received 2 gifts each.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the day possible! And to Miguel and family for coming out as always and to Sean in Canada for again supporting us with the food!

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