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Computer help!

2012 September 19
by scott

We received an amazing donation of 4  Computers, 3 monitors, 2 printers, modems, keyboards, mouse, printer cartridges, and what seems like 5km of cables! A huge thank you to Astar Air Cargo LLC USA for getting them to Peru from The United States!

We want to donate them to poor, regional schools that do not have computers but we need some help! The computers’ hard-drives were wiped  to delete any sensitive information so we need to get all the equipment serviced, install operating systems, and install Windows and Microsoft Office before the kids can use them. One of the printers isn’t working and needs to be repaired as well.

I am working on an approximate estimate of US$400 to get it all done, depending on what is exactly wrong with the printer. If you are able to help us get these computers working please make a donation. This might even be one for all the I.T. workers out there. If everyone working behind a computer donated $5 we’d have the funds in no time. Thanks! And keep watching for photos of the computers and where they end up!

2 Responses Post a comment
  1. Mark Welch permalink
    September 20, 2012

    A bunch of us here who lived in Peru could probably do a whole lot better than $5! What do you really need? Did you ever get the new stove? Need more eqip or money? Give us an aggressive goal and reason, please. Mark Welch. Class of 1967, Roosevelt, Monterrico

  2. September 20, 2012

    Hi Mark, Yes we got the new stove for the kids thankfully. We have some computers…to get them running I’ve been given an approximate quote of $400 depending on what the problem is with the printer and/or if any of the computers require anything else. He’ll know more once he gets into them. Next project after this will probably be a new industrial freezer for the orphanage as they only have one. The other broke down and the repair cost is more than a new one 😉

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