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Westfalia Orphanage Christmas turkey lunch

2012 January 22
by scott

To continue the Christmas/holiday season we put on a traditional turkey lunch for the kids on Christmas Eve to help celebrate Christmas. Christmas Eve is normally a very quiet, lonely time for the kids but we fired it up with nibblies, soft drink, amazing food, games, and sweets.

We played some games including musical chairs (one of the kids’ favourites) and water balloon catching (a pair of kids start close and throw the water bomb to each other and then take a step back and repeat the process until the water bomb explodes on someone!).

Then at the end we armed each child with a water bomb and it turned into a free-for-all.

 We had a lot of chips, drinks and lollies before the traditional turkey lunch and even a spot of dancing!

 We handed out Christmas presents to those who missed out on the Christmas Party on December 17th as well as a Christmas pack for all the ‘tias’ and ‘tios’ (aunties and uncles) – the staff who work so hard every day to create a family environment for these kids.

After this we had some general fun including improvising games and activities for the kids to keep them amused.

The Christmas traditional turkey lunch was a great success and a lot of fun and, like everything does, impossible without your help and support. If we hadn’t put on this day the kids’ would have literally sat around doing absolutely nothing. Can you imagine 100 orphans sitting around on the most festive day of the year? As if they haven’t gone through enough without having to feel even more lonely on such a day. So I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped out. The friends of New York who raised money at their Christmas party, Patricia from France who raised money at her birthday party, Kelly and the gang at British Ex-Pats and everyone else who donated money, food, clothes and time. A huge thanks to Sean and his son Andrew for coming out and being so generous, as well as George, Alex, Stef, Minnie, Sharita and Ricardo.

Money raised is also going to our other projects. We’re about to replace 72 broken window panes of the childrens’ accomodation as well the other buildings. The area has a terrible mosquito problem, Cieneguilla is extremely cold at night and the sharp edges of the broken glass is extremely dangerous for the children so this is an urgent one. We’re also going to paint the childrens’ rooms. There are 4 or 5 children per room and the walls are old brickwork that is in desperate need of some love. We’ve already started weekly swimming lessons at a local pool and purchased the kickboards and floats. BUT, we need your help to continue. If you are able to help us carry out these projects please send us a donation, and remember every dollar counts! Find us on facebook as well, and feel free to tell your friends and family about us!


3 Responses Post a comment
  1. Jordan Christopher Jeppesen permalink
    January 23, 2012

    They must have had a blast!

  2. Suzy permalink
    January 26, 2012

    You are absolutely loving what you are doing Scott; looks like a fantastic day!!!

  3. Patricia permalink
    January 30, 2012

    What a great time you all had! I just thought throwing kids in the air might be a dangerous sport. 😉
    Have a great year!!!
    With love,

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