Westfalia Orphanage Drama Class
Sonrisasenperu.org is providing ongoing drama and acting classes to the children of Westfalia Orphanage. The kids have classes every week and are working toward performing a show at the end of classes.
Children often evaluate their self-worth and make judgments about their abilities based on experiences they have in their lives. Lacking a family, coming from very difficult situations and living in an orphanage often limits this self-worth. These classes are a means to develop the children’s self-confidence, and we hope to help them to believe in themselves and know that people do care about them.
Sadly it is becoming more and more difficult to continue to provide the funds to run these classes. Ongoing costs include the pay and transport for the dance and drama teachers, materials for the classes as well as transport for the children. We desperately need your help to continue to help these kids so if you have ever thought about helping out a great cause, now is the time! Every dollar helps.
Make a difference from as little as $5 by clicking the donate button.
Awesome news and great pics! Keep up the good work …
South Africa