2024 Christmas is upon us and we’re in the middle of planning the 14th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas Party for the children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. But we need some help.

The children come from broken, abusive homes, abandonment or their families simply couldn’t afford to take care of them. These children have simple lives and don’t enjoy the regular fun children normally have such as going to the cinema or enjoying family vacations. They live in an orphanage, 4 children per room in bunks in the dry, dusty mountains of Cieneguilla, almost 2 hours outside of Lima, Peru and will be spending Christmas alone, without family. So we want to brighten up their Christmas and help them to experience a happy, loving time.
Each year we put on a traditional turkey lunch for the children to give them the Christmas experience of love and sharing. We drink the traditional ¨chicha morada¨ which is a traditional Peruvian drink made from Peruvian purple corn.

We organize a show, lots of games and activities, face painting, dancing and music.

And of course the best part is the presents. We give each child 2 gifts.

If you would like to help us please send a donation. Like always, any extra funds will go towards food and supplies. The orphanage’s food stocks are always low over the Christmas break so we also want to buy food provisions such as rice, beans, potatoes, meat, eggs and milk. Thank you for the assistance!

Please share this post on social media. Check out the 2023 Christmas party here.
Donate here (enter $ amount first)
Thank you! 🙂
On 17 December, 2023 Sonrisasenperu hosted our 13th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party for the children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. As always, we wanted to give them an amazing Christmas and especially to show them that they are loved and people care about them. It was an amazing day with a great show, music, food, games, face painting and of course presents! Each child received 2 gifts each.

The kids don’t have regular lives like most children so it’s always important to make the day as special as we can. They come from complicated backgrounds such as abuse, abandonment, removed from dangerous situations or there was no family to care from them. The orphanage has a school on site now while the bigger kids attend a local school.

We had plenty of activities to keep the children busy.

The highlight is always the presents though! Each child received 2 gifts each.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the day possible! And to Miguel and family for coming out as always and to Sean in Canada for again supporting us with the food!
Well it has been a couple of crazy years in Peru. The pandemic saw one of the worst death rates per capita in the world here in Peru with 1000 deaths per day at one stage. We also had one of the world’s longest lockdowns and the children’s education was provided by national television rather than laptops and interaction. Just when we were getting over all that we had Peru’s 6th president in 6 years arrested after trying to orchestrate a coup and we saw national protests which shut down whole cities. Then came the floods which actually went through the orphanage. So for the last couple of years we’ve had to send supplies into the orphanage but this year marks our return to a presential Christmas party! So we’re very excited to host our 13th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas Party for the 125+ children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. But we need some help.

These children come from broken, abusive homes, abandonment or their families gave them up because they simply don’t have the money to take care of them. These kids don’t have cell phones, electronic games, bikes, or Netflix. They don’t go to the cinema or enjoy trips away with family. There are 4 or 5 children per room and there are 12-15 children per ‘house’. They live in an orphanage in the dry, dusty mountains of Cieneguilla, almost 2 hours outside of Lima, Peru and will be spending Christmas alone, without family. So we want to brighten up their Christmas and help them to experience a happy, loving time.

Like past Christmases we are going to put on a full traditional turkey lunch for the children to give them the Christmas experience of love and sharing. It’s extra special because the children don’t eat a lot of meat due to a lack of funds. We drink the traditional ¨chicha morada¨ which is a traditional Peruvian drink made from a Peruvian variety of corn known commonly as purple corn.

We also add some fun! There will be an entertainment show of singling and dancing. And of course we’re going to give the kids presents. Their favorite part!

We rely on outside help to make it all happen though. If you are able to help make Christmas extra special for these orphans you can donate here. It means the world to these children without families who have to go through the vacations alone and makes a huge difference in their lives to know people care about them. After the last couple of years they’re really looking forward to this year.

We are very grateful for any help possible. You can donate here. Thank you!
Well it’s the end of another crazy year and we’re organizing our 12th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas Party for the 125+ children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. We still cannot go into the orphanage due to pandemic restrictions to protect the children and staff. The orphanage has been in full lockdown since March 2020. Peru has had the highest death rate per capita in the world with almost 2.5 million cases and over 200,000 deaths so the safety of the children and staff continues to be the the priority.
These children come from broken, abusive homes, abandonment or their families gave them up because they simply don’t have the money to take care of them. These kids don’t have cell phones, electronics games, bikes, or televisions. They don’t go to the cinema on a Saturday night or enjoy trips away with family. There are 4 or 5 children per room and there are 12-15 children per ‘house’. They live in an orphanage in the mountains of Cieneguilla, almost 2 hours outside of Lima and will be spending Christmas alone, without family. So every year we brighten up their Christmas and help them to experience a happy, loving time.
BUT, like last year, we’re going to send everything in to ensure they still manage to have a great Christmas with the traditional turkey lunch with ¨chicha morada¨, which is a traditional purple corn drink from the Peruvian Andean region made by boiling maiz morado (purple corn) and adding other ingredients such as pineapple, cinnamon, sugar and cloves. And of course the usual ¨paneton¨, Peru’s traditional Christmas dessert, sweets and candies and of course fun!
We’re also going to put together care packages with some surprises to make it more personal and fun for each child. And like we’ve continued to do throughout the pandemic, we’ll provide food and supplies for the children to ensure their needs are being met. If you would like to help make Christmas extra special for these orphans you can donate here. Thank you for helping support these kids who have had a more difficult year than normal.
You can check out the 2020 sonrsiasenperu.org Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party here. Peace!
On 17 December, 2023 Sonrisasenperu hosted our 13th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party for the children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. As always, we wanted to give them an amazing Christmas and especially to show them that they are loved and people care about them. It was an amazing day with a great show, music, food, games, face painting and of course presents! Each child received 2 gifts each.

The kids don’t have regular lives like most children so it’s always important to make the day as special as we can. They come from complicated backgrounds such as abuse, abandonment, removed from dangerous situations or there was no family to care from them. The orphanage has a school on site now while the bigger kids attend a local school.

We had plenty of activities to keep the children busy.

The highlight is always the presents though! Each child received 2 gifts each.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the day possible! And to Miguel and family for coming out as always and to Sean in Canada for again supporting us with the food!
This Friday 25 December, 2020 Sonrisasenperu is hosting our 11th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party for the 125+ children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. Unfortunately we are unable to enter the orphanage which has been in full lockdown since March 2020 due to the coronavirus. Peru has the highest death rate per capita in the world and has had over 1,000,000 cases and 40,000 deaths so the safety of the kids and the staff is paramount. Thankfully none of the children nor staff have contracted the virus.
The good news is that we’re still going to organize our traditional turkey lunch. It’s their favorite meal of the year and we’re going to add in a special breakfast as well. The children have had a rough year with schooling done through the national television network. They were unable to have the interaction with teachers most kids received through online classes with laptops. So we want to brighten their Christmas day as best we can under the circumstances.
If you’d like to help us make this day a little more special please send a donation. The orphanage’s food stocks are always low over the Christmas break so we’ll also buy food provisions such as rice, beans, potatoes, meat, eggs and milk to keep them going. The government only supplies them with a monthly quota of rice which doesn’t even meet the orphanage’s needs.

Merry Christmas and thank you for keeping track of the children and helping out when possible. Hopefully we’ll move past the pandemic soon and 2021 will be brighter for everyone, especially the children who have been affected so much. You can see photos of our 2019 Christmas party here.
You can see more regular updates on our facebook page.
First off, sorry for the delay! I’ve been locked out of the website for almost a year. But my buddy Lee G. updated it and I’m back! I update the Facebook page more regularly so please check that out too. https://www.facebook.com/sonrisasenperu
On Saturday December 21, 2019, we hosted the Sonrisasenperu 10th annual Westfalia Orphanage Christmas Party. 10 years!! I can’t believe it’s been a decade! As always, it’s the most important day of the year for the 120+ orphans tucked away in the dry mountains outside of Lima, Peru. My main goal is to show these kids that they are loved and cared for. They get a chance to feel like regular children and enjoy Christmas. As always a really big thanks to everybody who contributed through donations, gifts, food, or their time. It was an amazing day only made possible with help from you guys!
The Christmas party has always been loads of fun and just seems to get better every year. As usual we had an amazing show with dancers, DJ, singing, dancing, games and prizes, face-painting, and Santa and helpers were handing out the gifts. It was such a special day for the kids that live at the remote orphanage in Cieneguilla on the outskirts of Lima, Peru.
Of course we had a huge turkey lunch. It’s extra special because the children don’t eat a lot of meat due to a lack of funds. So the event is always a lot of fun for the kids. Huge shout out to Sean from Canada who always helps us out with getting a hold of the turkeys. All the way from Canada!
Thank you to everyone who got involved in the gift process whether that be with a donation from a far, physically donating a gift or coming out and spending time with the children. It meant a lot to them to spend such a great day with good people. I didn’t sleep much for the week before the party but it’s always worth it seeing their faces.
Santa and his helpers handed out the gifts and the kids’ faces said it all as they came up and collected them. These aren’t kids who have bikes, phones, playstations, or toys we took for granted growing up so the gifts were really special for them.
A big thank you to those who have helped us make this event so special. For over 10 years I have personally seen amazing changes in these children. They all come from terrible situations whether it be abuse, abandonment, literally found abandoned in the streets, or simply that their families cannot afford to care for them. But they become a part of this big family. And I tell you, there is a strong, real, protective love here and it heals. So thank you for making a difference in the lives of others, so far away.
Thanks for helping to make a difference!
Buckle up! It’s the 10th annual Sonrisasenperu.org Christmas party!
On Saturday, 21 December 2019 we are hosting our huge 10th annual Sonrisasenperu Christmas party for the 125+ children of Westfalia Orphanage in Peru. We’re looking for a little help to make it happen.
The children come from broken, abusive homes, abandonment or their families gave them up because they simply don’t have the money to take care of them. These kids don’t have cell phones, electronics games, bikes, or televisions. They don’t go to the cinema on a Saturday night or enjoy trips away with family. There are 4 or 5 children per room and there are 12-15 children per ‘house’. They live in an orphanage in the mountains of Cieneguilla, 2 hours outside of Lima and will be spending Christmas alone, without family. So every year we brighten up their Christmas and help them to experience a happy, loving time.
What’s happening?
We are aiming to get 2 gifts for each of the 120+ children. We’ll also put on a traditional turkey lunch, snacks, drinks, and dessert. There will be a huge live show for the kids which includes singing, dancing, lots of games, competitions, and of course, Santa handing out the gifts! Oh yeah, and we’ll be providing lots of fun!
… BUT we really need your help!
Donations have helped us provide many things for the orphanage over the past 10 years, including a permanent, industrial water filter which cleans river and well-water when the kids were drinking dangerously polluted water which didn’t meet World Health Organisation standards. Your donations helped to renovate the childrens’ 25 year old houses to meet new government health and safety requirements. You helped fund a new industrial stove to replace a gas-leaking, 22 year old stove as well as a load of new pots and pans. You’ve helped provide all kinds of classes over the years. You’ve helped replace broken windows and provided shoes, clothes, blankets and literally tonnes of food and essential supplies to the orphanage. But we need your help once again.
If you can help out please send us a donation. We want to make sure these kids get at least one present, a memorable turkey lunch and lots of fun. Like always, any extra funds will go towards food and supplies, clothes, etc. The orphanage’s food stocks are always low over the Christmas break so we also want to buy food provisions such as rice, beans, potatoes, meat, eggs and milk. If you’ve never donated and been a bit hesitant…now is your chance.
If you’re here in Lima, Peru and want to donate a gift or food, please send us an email (‘Contact Us’ at the top of the page). You can also see what the Christmas parties are like here!
Please post this on your Facebook page to help spread the word. We need all the help we can get!
Thanks for helping make a difference 🙂
On 23 November Westfalia Orphanage celebrated 30 years! Literally thousands of children from abandoned babies aged only a day or two, to toddlers and teens, have been provided housing, food, education, guidance and most importantly, love for 30 years. It’s such an amazing achievement. Most of the children don’t have any family at all and have moved on to apprenticeships, university, careers and families.
This photo from the 30th anniversary is of ex-Westfalia members! Most of them started as babies at the orphanage and left at 18 to study or work. Incredible!
Some of the children practiced for many weeks and dressed up and performed at the party. The theme was the various cultures throughout Peru and their unique dress and dance.
A huge thank you to all the children, past and present, and all the carers for their amazing love and help. And of course a big thanks to all of you who have helped with donations of food, clothes or funds, physically volunteering on our various projects and even just sharing our projects on your social media. I have been involved with the orphanage for 10 years now and many amazing people have helped with the various projects and needs of Westfalia. Here’s a few photos of some of the people who donated elbow grease!
Myself with Randy who was in charge of the Water Project installing water filters to bring fresh, clean water to the orphanage for the first time ever. In the background are some friends from Randy’s church in the US came to Peru to help.
One of the many work teams involved in the Water Project over the course of a few years! It was a huge job.
Peru, the US, England and Australia represented!
More US and Colombian help for the Water Project
Australia, Germany, Denmark and Peru! Actually, David, on the right, first volunteered with me at a school in Cusco, Peru in 2007 when I first came to Peru! A great friend.
And of course the huge, huge, huge help with providing food and clothes. Even though I have lost 2 hard drives over the years (with no backups) I still have thousands of photos so I’ll just throw in some!
And a quick shout-out to my car! A 2007 Fiat Palio Adventure which has somehow made the trek up and down the mountains every week for 9 years with few complaints!! Trust me, I have talked to her many times begging her not to break down on the journeys! I used to spend 2 hours each way catching buses before my car so I’m thankful! 🙂
I’m in the middle of organizing my 1oth, yes 10th!, Christmas party for the kids at Westfalia so please watch out for that!
Much love to everyone! Thank you!
Josue recently celebrated his 1st birthday! He was an abandoned baby who was very small and below weight. But he’s doing great now and learning to walk!
Thanks to everyone who has donated clothes, formula, nappies, etc. over the last year. They’re very expensive in Peru and the government only contributes rice. So thanks for helping Josue!
¡Josue celebró recientemente su primer cumpleaños! Era un bebé abandonado que era muy pequeño y pesaba poco. ¡Pero ahora está muy bien y está aprendiendo a caminar!
Gracias a todos los que han donado ropa, fórmula, pañales, etc. durante el último año. Son muy caros en Perú y el gobierno solo aporta arroz. ¡Así que gracias por ayudar a Josue!