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Westfalia Orphanage Christmas Drive 2016

2016 December 4
by scott

7th annual Christmas party

On Saturday, December 17 we’re hosting our 7th annual Sonrisasenperu Christmas party for the 125+ children of Westfalia Orphanage in Peru. We’re looking for a little help to make it happen.

The kids come from broken, abusive homes, abandonment or their families gave them up because they simply don’t have the money to take care of them. These kids don’t have electronics games, bikes, or televisions. They don’t go to the cinema or enjoy trips away with family. There are 4 or 5 children per room and there are 14-18 children per ‘house’. They live in an orphanage in the mountains of Cieneguilla on the edge of Lima and will be spending Christmas alone, without family. So we want to brighten up their Christmas and help them to experience a happy, loving time.

What’s happening?

We are organizing 2 gifts for each of the 125+ children. We’ll also be providing a huge lunch, snacks, drinks, and dessert. We’re going to have lots of games, competitions, and prizes. There will also be a live show for the kids which includes singing, dancing and of course, Santa handing out the gifts! Oh yeah, and we’ll be providing lots of fun!

… BUT we really need your help!

Donations have helped us provide many things for the orphanage over the years, including a permanent, industrial water filter which cleans river and well-water when the kids were drinking dangerously polluted water which didn’t meet World Health Organisation standards. Your donations helped to renovate the childrens’ 25 year old houses to meet new government requirements. You helped fund a new industrial stove to replace a gas-leaking, 22 year old stove as well as a load of new pots and pans. You’ve helped provide all kinds of classes over the years. You’ve helped replace broken windows and provided shoes, clothes, blankets and literally tonnes of food and essential supplies to the orphanage. But we need your help once again.

If you can help out please send us a donation. We need to make sure these kids receive gifts, a memorable lunch, snacks, drinks, and games. Like always, any extra funds will go towards food and supplies, as well as summer activities such as swimming lessons, day trips, etc. The orphanage’s food stocks are always low over the Christmas break so we also want to buy food provisions such as rice, beans, potatoes, meat, eggs and milk. If you’ve never donated and been a bit hesitant…now is your chance.

If you’re here in Lima, Peru and want to donate a gift or food, please send us an email (‘Contact Us’ at the top of the page). You can also see the 2015 Sonrisasenperu Christmas party here!

Please post this on your Facebook page to help spread the word!

Thanks for helping make a difference 🙂

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