2023 Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party drive
Well it has been a couple of crazy years in Peru. The pandemic saw one of the worst death rates per capita in the world here in Peru with 1000 deaths per day at one stage. We also had one of the world’s longest lockdowns and the children’s education was provided by national television rather than laptops and interaction. Just when we were getting over all that we had Peru’s 6th president in 6 years arrested after trying to orchestrate a coup and we saw national protests which shut down whole cities. Then came the floods which actually went through the orphanage. So for the last couple of years we’ve had to send supplies into the orphanage but this year marks our return to a presential Christmas party! So we’re very excited to host our 13th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas Party for the 125+ children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. But we need some help.

These children come from broken, abusive homes, abandonment or their families gave them up because they simply don’t have the money to take care of them. These kids don’t have cell phones, electronic games, bikes, or Netflix. They don’t go to the cinema or enjoy trips away with family. There are 4 or 5 children per room and there are 12-15 children per ‘house’. They live in an orphanage in the dry, dusty mountains of Cieneguilla, almost 2 hours outside of Lima, Peru and will be spending Christmas alone, without family. So we want to brighten up their Christmas and help them to experience a happy, loving time.

Like past Christmases we are going to put on a full traditional turkey lunch for the children to give them the Christmas experience of love and sharing. It’s extra special because the children don’t eat a lot of meat due to a lack of funds. We drink the traditional ¨chicha morada¨ which is a traditional Peruvian drink made from a Peruvian variety of corn known commonly as purple corn.

We also add some fun! There will be an entertainment show of singling and dancing. And of course we’re going to give the kids presents. Their favorite part!

We rely on outside help to make it all happen though. If you are able to help make Christmas extra special for these orphans you can donate here. It means the world to these children without families who have to go through the vacations alone and makes a huge difference in their lives to know people care about them. After the last couple of years they’re really looking forward to this year.

We are very grateful for any help possible. You can donate here. Thank you!
Hi Mariella! Thank you for getting involved! I’m going to message you one of the children’s first names and their clothes sizes and feel free to buy anything you like. We can arrange to pick it up or you can come to the party with your gift on Saturday! I’ll send you an invitation!