2020 Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party drive
This Friday 25 December, 2020 Sonrisasenperu is hosting our 11th Westfalia Orphanage Christmas party for the 125+ children in the mountains outside of Lima, Peru. Unfortunately we are unable to enter the orphanage which has been in full lockdown since March 2020 due to the coronavirus. Peru has the highest death rate per capita in the world and has had over 1,000,000 cases and 40,000 deaths so the safety of the kids and the staff is paramount. Thankfully none of the children nor staff have contracted the virus.
The good news is that we’re still going to organize our traditional turkey lunch. It’s their favorite meal of the year and we’re going to add in a special breakfast as well. The children have had a rough year with schooling done through the national television network. They were unable to have the interaction with teachers most kids received through online classes with laptops. So we want to brighten their Christmas day as best we can under the circumstances.
If you’d like to help us make this day a little more special please send a donation. The orphanage’s food stocks are always low over the Christmas break so we’ll also buy food provisions such as rice, beans, potatoes, meat, eggs and milk to keep them going. The government only supplies them with a monthly quota of rice which doesn’t even meet the orphanage’s needs.

Merry Christmas and thank you for keeping track of the children and helping out when possible. Hopefully we’ll move past the pandemic soon and 2021 will be brighter for everyone, especially the children who have been affected so much. You can see photos of our 2019 Christmas party here.
You can see more regular updates on our facebook page.
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