New dance classes
After a long break from dance classes due to difficulties in obtaining a dance teacher, and one willing to travel the 90 minutes each way to the orphanage, we have finally started dance classes again! We got a lucky break meeting the amazing Clare, an English girl now living in Peru who volunteered to teach various kinds of dance including modern, hip-hop, salsa, and freestyle.
Of all the classes we’ve provided to the kids of Westfalia Orpahange, dance has always been their favourite and it’s great to see how involved they get. We are rehearsing for a dance performance at our annual Sonrisasenperu Christmas Party on December 22, so watch out for the photos and video!
Check out more of the projects we are doing, including at Westfalia Orphange, in our newsroom.
If you are able to help us continue with these important projects, especially coming up to Christmas, please send us a donation. Remember, it isn’t that hard to help make a difference in the lives of people so much worse off than ourselves … maybe one less takeaway/take-out this week. Every dollar counts!
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